Paradise Inc. Official Walkthrough/Guide
Getting dropped into a new body and a new job comes with a steep learning curve and a lot of trial-by-Hellfire. Fortunately, our resident Cambion has cracked open the books to give you all the hints and tricks on how to make your stay in Paradise fun and rewarding.
Table of Contents
- The Tutorial
- Chapter 1: Lazren's First Test
- Chapter 2: Avery's Arrival
- Intro
- Subplot: Mason's Crystal
- Sidebar: Special Abilities & Builds
- The Intruder
- Sidebar: Investing at the Bank
- Subplot: Selene's Disappearance
- Sara, The Casino, & The Demon of Greed
- Chapter 3: Chastity's Trials
- Intro
- Sidebar: Romances & Employee Pairings
- The Gambler
- The Sadist
- The Saint
- The Attack & The Aftermath
- The Epilogue
- Appendices
The Tutorial
Ah, backstory. The tutorial, or introductory section, of Paradise Inc. is focused on creating your character (which we'll call 'main character' or MC) and introducing the story of why you're so eager to sell your soul for sex and profit.
You'll start by losing your old, horrible mortal job, and defining your identity via a (shorter than you'll ever find in real-life) job application. You can choose to play as male or female (and by the end of the tutorial, you'll get the choice to change it) - this choice has no major repercussions, although starting as male or female will slightly change some the dialog and text in the game.
(For example: if you sissify Damien, or transform Xavier into a female dryad, your mental dialog and conversations with them may be slightly different depending on whether you have prior experience being a woman, or a man who turned into a woman.
There are also no lasting narrative repercussions for any of the choices that you make with Lazren, nor to which facing of the necklace (red/green) that you choose, so feel free to choose whatever you like. There are some achievement-related consequences though (see below).
New Characters:
There is only one character available during the tutorial: your secretary, Samantha.
The following achievements note that they 'start at your demonic transformation' -- which is in the tutorial!
- All About the D: Play as Dominant/Top through an entire playthrough (i.e. keep your necklace red)
- Boy Toy: Play as male through an entire playthrough (starting at your demonic transformation)
- Gal Pal: Play as female through an entire playthrough (starting at your demonic transformation)
- Package Smuggler: Play as futa through an entire playthrough (starting at your demonic transformation)
- S is the Best: Play as submissive/bottom through an entire playthrough (i.e. keep your necklace green)
Note that if you run into any shenanigans that temporarily force you into 'breaking' these achievements (say, you get a random work sex scene where you're 'getting done' instead of 'doing', even though your necklace is read), it will not break the achievement. You have to actually choose to change and make a voluntary choice in order for the condition to be broken.
Chapter 1: Lazren's First Test
Main Goal: Obtain 3 soul-gems before Lazren returns (14 days)
Chapter 1 is when the game truly begins. We are introduced to new characters around the office: Mason, who will not open up to you until Chapter 2; Selene the naga energy Vault; and the human targets Damien, Jolie, and Cassandra. We're also given the ability to start building up our resources. We have to have three soul gems by the time Lazren returns, but Samantha has already given us the first one, so we'll want to convert at least two of the humans. If you manage to convert all three before the time limit runs out, you'll earn the Employee Excellence achievement.
In general, our most important goal is getting our energy per day (EPD) up as quickly as possible, as the earlier we can get our initial numbers up, the quicker we can buy more things that get us more energy, and the snowball effect will make the entire game easier. In general, your priority order should look like this:
- Building Upgrades. Buildings gain an amount of visitors per day, based on your stats. Visitors are essentially business experience points, and when you hit a set threshold, you can level the building up for a nominal fee. This fee pays for itself in a matter of days, and the early upgrades double the building's energy output permanently, so whenever an upgrade is possible it should be your first priority.
- Construct New Buildings. You have enough energy to build two on the first day, and you should. But build the third as quickly as possible to get energy flowing and visitors accruing in all three locations. The order you want to build in depends on your preferences. Take a look at the Transformable Characters list and build the locations that give you access to the character forms you like.
- Foci and Transforming Characters. Each focus (plural: foci) costs 100 energy, which is steep early on. After you transform them, each of the initial human targets become managers in their respective locations, raising the location's stats and energy return. However, the steep early cost to convert a human means it is best to avoid making foci until all three locations are built (and probably until you've upgraded at least one location).
- The Vault. You can upgrade the Vault so you can hold more energy by talking to Selene. While Selene is fun, only upgrade the Vault if you have nothing else to spend on and you're in danger of losing energy that exceeds your maximum.
You don't need to fully understand the energy system to thrive in Act 1. Simply build all three locations; upgrade them when possible; work in them when you're not spending time talking to a human; and transform said humans as soon as you've banked 100 energy. Keep your mind on your work (you do want to impress your new boss, right?) and you'll have all three soulgems in the bag with days to spare.
At this stage, its best to leave each location on simple 'General management' as an option, as there's nothing you need more than energy, but if you wish to delve deeper into the building and energy system, look below. Otherwise, as soon as time runs out, you'll automatically receive a visit from Lazren kicking off the next Act.
Chapter 2: Avery's Arrival
Main Goal: Build the Casino and Have a Total of 6 Soulgems within 14 Days
Chapter 2 kicks off when Lazren returns to give you your very first employee evaluation, and to see whether you really are the right person for the job. Samantha will inform you as soon as you wake up that Lazren has arrived, and you'll need to return to your suite for your one-on-one. If you've failed to procure 3 soulgems (Samantha + two others), then you have failed your evaluation and you'll be given a bad ending: one where one of your more dominant employees takes over instead, or where you are replaced by the next candidate in-line. You'll also get the achievement Oh No! Anyways., so... well, it could be worse.
If you have exactly three soulgems, you pass, but if you have four -- meaning, you converted not only Samantha but all three available human targets in Chapter 1 -- then you'll earn the Employee Excellence achievement and get a special reward. You can select to have sex with Lazren with you topping instead of as a bottom; you can ask her about her plans with Paradise; or you can simply take a pile of extra energy to help you in the next Act. Mechanically, the energy is the only thing that matters. Asking Lazren about her plans will make you more informed about what she is up to in Act 3, but it will play out the same, and dominating Lazren during sex is mostly a personal preference.
Additionally, regardless of whether you 'excel' or just 'suffice', Lazren will teach you a trick about soulgems: you can use them to embue yourself with extra abilities. She'll start by teaching you 'Chameleon': the ability to change your personal appearance at will. From this point forward, you can change your character appearance -- including gender, hair color, eye color, skin color, and (male) suit jacket or (non-male) lipstick color -- at any time you want by going to your wardrobe in your bedroom, or accessing the 'paint palette' icon in the sidebar. Note that changing your gender may break certain achievements -- but is the only way to get certain other achievements!
When the sexy time is done, Lazren will drop the next bombshell on you. She is deeply in debt to her brother Avery, the Demon of Greed, and it's up to you to impress him and help her pay him back. In order to do that, we'll need to have accomplished two goals by the end of Chapter 2: Have at least 6 soul gems and build the Casino. The game is afoot!
Subplot: Mason's Crystal
Remember when you tried to get to know Mason in Chapter 1, and he brushed you off? And said he might consider talking to you more if you proved you weren't going to be a colossal failure? Well, you just passed your evaluation, so it's time to pay him another visit. Mason had refused to talk about his past until you passed Lazren's test, but he'll open up a bit now that you've proven yourself. Ask each question from his menu to learn his backstory, then begin checking in on R&D every day. This begins a path to net us another soul gem and a permanent discount on foci -- which why we're visiting him first instead of diving into the main story.
A few days after conversing with him, you'll trigger a cutscene on entering R&D where you witness Mason calming himself using a crystal. If you interrupt him, you'll learn some more details about our favorite four-armed scientist. A few days later, it will be happen again, but this time there will be an accident. Mason will be zapped with the opposite of your current necklace facing, so submissive PCs should make sure they are green side out (as this means Mason will be zapped with the red 'dominant' energy), and dominant PCs should be in red (so Mason is zapped with submissive green). There's going to be some character fallout, because Mason is not happy about all this.
However, if you persist a bit longer (one more day), Mason will surrender his soul gem to you and offer you the opportunity to implement the crystal's power more permanently -- that is, to permanently convert Mason into a more dominant or more submissive personality. Even if you zapped him one way (for example, made him Dominant at first), you can choose to zap him the other way at this point (for example, make him submissive instead). However, after you make the choice when accepting his soulgem, the results are, as he warned you, permanent.
Note: Accepting Mason as either a dominant or submissive is an exclusive path and locks you out of any other romances. Doing neither (platonic Mason) still results in the quest rewards, and Mason can later be paired with a Futanari Samantha if desired.
The Intruder
The main storyline for Chapter 2 introduces two new characters, Xavier and Petra, in a linked storyline. It takes a fair amount of time to recruit both of them, so you'll ideally want to trigger this as early as possible (typically while you're waiting for Mason's storyline to trigger).
In order to trigger the start of the quest, you'll need to visit the Construction Console in R&D and construct the Second Floor, and then the first building on the Second Floor: the Bank. Once the Bank is constructed, visit the location and speak to your new employee: a demoness named Mammon. She'll explain what she does, and how she can help you increase your investments (and we'll explain that in a bit, too), but don't worry about those right now.
A few days after visit the Bank, you'll be pulled into an emergency meeting first thing in the morning with several of your employees. It appears someone has been creeping around the facility, but your employees haven't been able to catch him. The Tower can't provide security itself because the Tower exists to give people what they want... and what the intruder wants, is not to be found! You'll need a human watchdog to tackle this problem.
Mason has an idea about a security station, but it will take him a day to figure out the logistics. After one day, go to talk to him about the intruder, and he'll reveal a new blueprint for a building: the Security Office. He can't do anything about staffing it, but that's what Samantha is for. Once the Security Office is built, go pay it a visit. You'll find that Samantha has already hired someone to man it -- or, in this case, woman it. You'll be introduced to Petra, your security officer, but you'll need to capture the intruder before you get to know her any better. Petra works in the evenings, and you should drop in the security office each day until the intruder is caught.
Catching the intruder appears to be one of the more complex endeavors, but the proper strategy is actually very simple. You can instruct Petra to either watch the cameras (narrowing down the list of possible targets by one) or to guard a location (nabbing Xavier if he attacks there). Xavier will attack every third day, something Petra will eventually tell you straight up. Each time you fail to block Xavier's attack, you're one step closer to losing, but Petra will be able to rule out one of the locations in the next round. You have three cycles to catch him before you lose.
As a result, the proper method (that is, the foolproof, can't-lose method) is to watch the cameras twice in a row, then guard any location remaining. The first cycle, you'll be able to narrow him down to three possible locations, giving you a 1-in-3 chance of catching him. The second cycle, you'll have a 1 in 2 chance. Finally, if you still haven't caught him, you'll be able to narrow things down to a single possible location. If you manage to catch him on your very first attempt at guarding a location, you'll gain the Devil's Own Luck achievement, but there's no way to force this to happen other than getting lucky.
Once you've captured Xavier, you'll be able to speak to him at the security office, discover he's a reporter and he's deathly ill, and decide his fate. Either way you choose, you'll also gain the ability to build the opposite location (e.g. if you vampirize him, you can choose to build Elysium; if you turn him into Xun, you'll be able to build Inferno), so you should hop on that as soon as you can. Once Xavier is solved, you can turn your attention to Petra. Keep visiting her in the evening and working at the Security Office at night to see more of a brief storyline. Once you're finished, you'll be able to bed the red-head. You don't have to sleep with her, but you do need to at least unlock the possibility to continue. Now, after a few more days, Petra interrupts your sleep and begins her storyline, offering you the chance to change her as well.
Subplot: Selene's Disappearance
Selene's storyline doesn't result in a soulgem, but does grant a straight energy bonus whenever we work, which is powerful. In order to trigger the event, you'll need to upgrade the Vault at least twice (you can transform Selene in either way, it doesn't matter). A few days later, so long as you're still in Chapter 2, Selene will approach to let you know she's visiting her family back in Oregon. A few days after that, the storyline will trigger: your naga has been kidnapped, and it's up to you to save her!
Saving Selene isn't difficult, but it requires paying attention to details. You'll travel to the quaint little town of Sisters, Oregon, where you'll interview four suspects during the course of your investigation: Selene's mother (Matron Ira), her sister (Naitee), the local sheriff (Lt. Kessler), and a store clerk (Tanya). Selene's mother is never the culprit, but any of the other three can be. In order to figure out which one, you'll need to catch them in a lie when they speak to you. Alternatively, you can spend all of your energy to force the solution at the end of the questline (doing so, however, will make it impossible to get the Elementary, My Dear achievement).
There are several fibs in their respective conversations, but the killer can be identified for sure through the following whoppers:
- Naitee or Sheriff Kessler: Ira will mention she knows a naga was the last one to drive the car, because the seat was so far back. That means either Naitee drove the car to the dump spot or Kessler stopped Selene as a traffic stop. If a human drove the car last, the culprit is always the store clerk, Tanya.
- Naitee: Naitee will describe the blue scarf Selene was wearing, but you'll later find that Selene bought the scarf while she was in town, and had never worn it back to the farm (since she disappeared before she could return). The clerk will also mention someone placing an order for pants who can't pick them up herself (Naitee anticipated learning how to form legs, but can't do it yet).
- Lt. Kessler: Kessler claims he has talked to everyone who might have seen Selene that day and that no one has seen anything, but if you talk to the store clerk, she says hasn't seen him. If you expanded Selene's breast size, he'll also describe her considerable endowments, something he would only know about if he'd seen her after she went to your Tower. He'll also never offer you his hand, tipping his distaste for nonhumans.
- Tanya: Despite claiming not to know who Selene is and that no one has told her, she'll comment about Ira and the farm at the end of the conversation. She'll also tell you the car left in exactly the opposite direction to where you know it was found.
Correctly identifying the culprit will give you the Elementary, My Dear acheivement; spending energy to solve the mystery instead will bypass this, but still get you a successful result. Once you figure out the culprit, you track them down to where they're holding Selene captive, and in the ensuing struggle Selene absorbs far more energy than she can handle. You can encourage Selene to either hold it all in (resulting in her Giantess transformation) or to let it out (resulting in her splitting into identical Clones). This is a purely preference change, as neither Selene is a romance option.
Either way, you've saved the day, and now you can bring Selene back home to your Tower where she belongs!
Sara, the Casino, & the Demon of Greed
All caught up now? It's time to build the Casino! This is quite an expensive building, so it's usually last in the priority list, but if you plan on recruiting everyone during this Act, make sure you leave yourself at least 6 or 7 days to work through Sara's storyline.
Sara will appear at the Casino as one of the employees, and Mammon has a bit to say about her, should you ask. You can read more about how to transform Sara and what options you have in the Transformable Characters appendix, but she's pretty straight forward.On to the Casino! The Casino is a special building: it doesn't have a daily energy rate, but rather can gain or lose energy depending on (literal) roll of the die. You can also determine how greedily it's run. If you instruct your pitbosses to be 'Cautious' and you'll get a 0.5x modifier to that mysterious random number; 'Normal' is a flat 1.0x, and 'Greedy' gives you a 2.0x modifer -- at the cost of slightly worsening your odds for a good roll. Despite that, mathematically the odds for the player are always positive, so you should opt to run the casino greedily if you're interest in maximizing your returns. You can also upgrade the casino, once, for a permanent odds increase by installing rigged machines.
Once you've reached the end of Chapter 2, you'll finally meet Lazren's brother, Avery... and unlike Chapter 1, there are a few choices to make that could determine your future. A failure to either hit a total of 6 soulgems, or failure to build the Casino, will end your journey. In this case, you get a bad end with a few new 'bad end' possibilities, and the Oh No! Anyways. achievement if you don't already have it. If you overachieve, you'll get some extra rewards...but there's an additional complication.
Players who succeed but don't impress (you built the Casino and have exactly 6 soulgems) are also seen as ripe targets for a little friendly competition, and will receive a special offer from Avery to switch sides, and work for him instead of for Lazren. Agreeing to serve Avery here locks you out of Lazren's ending (including the achievement Worth the Wait), and instead grants Avery in her place (along with the possible achievements Bite The Hand That Feeds You and For Love of Money). So -- back the Sin you most want to see as the credits are rolling. Avery will also inform you of a debt you will need to pay by the end of the game. The different outcomes for Avery's arrival in Chapter 2 and their follow-up in Chapter 3 are as follows:
- Impress Avery (7 or more soulgems + Casino): Avery cuts his debt from 10,000 energy to 5,000. You will not receive opportunity to betray Lazren.
- Meet Avery's Standards, Betray Lazren: Avery will charge you 10,000 energy, but he'll take his cut slowly over time. He'll also apply a bonus to your Casino earnings as a gesture of good will.
- Meet Avery's Standards, Loyal to Lazren: Avery will charge you the 10,000 and leave in a huff. Don't worry, despite his anger, it won't change the remainder of the game.
In all cases, you can choose to pay him off early by talking to Selene in the Vault. There's no direct mechanical benefit to this, but it can save you on needing to expand to Vault.
Chapter 3: Chastity's Trials
Main Goal: Pass Chastity's trials (deadlines vary)
Well, well, well. It seems Lazren hasn't been entirely honest about everything, but now that Avery is here she has to come clean with her true goal: she wants you to replace the current Sin of Desire (Cara), and become a full-fledged Sin yourself! To do this, you need the support of Desire's opposite number, the Heavenly Virtue Chastity -- and it won't be easy to get it. Chastity holds a very negative view of the Sins, and of Desire in particular, and refuses to help you until you can prove to her that you truly will be the metaphorical lesser evil.
To this end, Chastity will give you three challenges to complete, each one with a unique problem designed to make you fail. You will have lots of time to finish converting any additional employees or finishing storylines, as each of Chastity's tasks is linear and has a few days of buffer time in which you're waiting for her call and won't have pressing concerns. Her deadlines are short, though, so when she does give you a task, it's best to complete it ASAP.
The Gambler
The first challenge Chastity throws at you is Nadia, the gambler. What can you do for someone who derives all their joy from the game, and not from the winnings? Unlocking the guest is simply a matter of waiting until Chastity calls you. Once she does, stop into the Casino as quickly as you can. You have 5 days to complete this mission, and you'll need at least three of them.
Talk to Nadia twice to get a handle on her personality and desires. Then, go talk to Mason. Mason will suggest a solution to dealing with her addiction: play Nadia in a high stakes poker game. The stakes are indeed very high: it will either grant Nadia ultimate power, or put her in thrall to you forever. For the gambit to work, it must be a genuinely fair game, though. On your third conversation with Nadia, you'll begin the game.
The action will now go back and forth between you. Rather than playing the actual cards, you'll be playing the person, and try to select dialogue options that shake her off balance or make her doubt herself. Meanwhile, in between your rounds, she'll throw accusations your way designed to do the same thing to you! Every successful conversational gambit increases your odds of winning, but don't worry, the story progresses successfully either way. Chastity's challenge wasn't to beat Nadia -- it was to satisfy her, so you're free to point her in whichever way you desire.
If you lose to Nadia (that is, Nadia wins), she will become an angelic-like figure with reality-warping powers. In order to lose, respond to her jibes with anger or denial, and choose dialogue options that have very obvious answers (like asking her why she wants to win or, most especially, talking about the weather). Defeating Nadia will create a genie, completely submissive to your will. If that's the path you want, choose dialogue options that distract her or make her second guess herself, such as talking about Chastity, asking how much she's won before (making her think about how little it mattered), or asking if she talked to your employees (all of whom vouched for you). Respond to her remarks calmly without taking the bait, and she'll rattle herself. The personal upgrade 'Born Lucky' also slightly tilts the odds in your favor.
At the end of the game, invisible dice will be rolled. If you've tilted things heavily in favor of one outcome or the other, you'll likely get what you want. If you've done a more mixed job, then it could go either way, but in either case Nadia is satisfied and you've passed the first hurdle! Chastity will have some choice words about the outcome, and will take a few days to ponder what problem to throw at you next. In the meantime, spend time pursuing your romances, making energy, and finishing any outstanding goals you want to accomplish before Chastity calls again.
The Sadist
Chastity's second challenge is a great deal more... vicious. Michael Barnes is a man from your own past, though only tangentially. In contrast to anyone else you've met so far, Michael already knows that you're a demon, and about your deal with Chastity. He knows you need to make him happy to get what you want, so he flat out demands that you give him what he wants: the ability to treat others as his personal toys for his twisted desires. Given that Chastity believes desire is innately harmful... giving him what he wants sounds like a sure-fire way to prove her right. It's a catch-22 where even if you win, you lose.
Michael will test your nerves by forcing himself into your suite and living there for a few days. Do your best to ignore him, until your character is inspired to go for a midnight walk after turning in for the night. You'll have two very special encounters. The first is an encounter with the Tower itself, which has learned enough to be able to manifest to you directly. The second is a visit from your romantic partner(s), if any. If your MC isn't romantically involved with anyone, you'll run into the older-and-wiser Mammon instead. They'll give you a brilliant idea: the first taste is free.
The next morning, go speak with Mason. You'll be given two options here: you can indulge Michael by transforming him into a werewolf (allowing him to physically dominate others) or into a mindflayer (allowing him to mentally control those around him). Both of these would be unacceptable to Chastity, but you have a plan. Whichever side you pick, the operation is the same. You transform Michael first, letting him get a taste of the power of his new form... and then inform him that the Tower won't let him truly hurt anyone. If he doesn't like that, he's free to turn back to his human self and leave. You can also take this moment to refuse to transform Michael at all, Chastity be damned -- maybe the correct solution to the Virtue's game is simply not to play.
If you do transform Michael, then your newly-made monster will insinuate that you want a man like him around, to (mis)treat you the way you like. After he leaves, you'll be given an option as to whether the MC feels the protection of the Tower around them. In order to avoid Michael's sexual content, choose to feel the barrier. Otherwise, you can choose to feel empty air. If you decline the Tower's protection, Michael will occasionally ambush you for the remainder of the game for some darker, more forceful encounters. The choice is yours!
The Saint
You've handled the gambling addict and the sexual sadist. What could Chastity possibly throw at you next?
For her final test, Chastity sends one of her own followers, Virginia, to you. Like Michael, Virginia is aware of the supernatural stakes at play, and she is a willing participant. If you succeed in finding something Virginia wants and succeed in tempting her to give up her soul, then Chastity will back you to replace Desire. Fail, and the deal is off. There's just one little problem... Virginia is a nun!
Virginia stays at the Tower for three days in total. The storyline will progress on its own. Each morning, you'll have the opportunity to show her to one of your locations. Unfortunately, while the nun is pleasant, she's not easily swayed, and you'll strike out day after day until you come close to running out of locations. It's then that Nadia and Michael will come up with another option: you can make her want something, using a bit of magic. What harm could it do?
As it turns out, quite a lot. You'll be given the opportunity to spike Virginia's drink with dust made of pure desire... but if you do, you'll discover the real trick. The reason you haven't been able to find Virginia's desire is that she doesn't just work for Chastity, she is Chastity! Trying to force her to desire what you want just confirms everything she thinks about you. Instead, refrain from force and gracefully surrender. Being willing to lose instead of bend your principles finally convinces Chastity you are not like the current Desire, and she will agree to lend you her support.
Oh, speaking of the current Desire... don't think they're going to take this lying down! They are attacking right now, and it's time to defend all your hard work!
The Attack & The Aftermath
Time for the final showdown! From here, it's a relatively straight shot to the ending. Desire will enflame the passions of the people within Paradise, and the agitated crowds will begin to overwhelm three of your locations. You can intercede to save your locations, but the price will depend on how many employees you have who call that location home. If you have both possible employees at the attacked location, you can defend it for free (and automatically succeed at doing so). If you only one have employee, you can defend it for 250 energy, and if you have no employees at the location, the cost to defend is a steep 500 energy.
In almost all cases, it is best to pay the energy if you have the ability. The location's total construction and upgrade costs and a generous calculation of its energy per day means that, typically, even if you have to pay 500 energy for the location it will grant you more than 500 energy in the game ending. Of course, if you simply don't have the energy to do so, you'll have no choice but to abandon the location and retreat, leaving it at the mercy of the mob.
At the end of the attacks, you'll be confronted with Desire directly. Enjoy the final storyline and the revelation as to why you needed Chastity's help. When the dust settles, you'll be given your final choices in the game: what to do with yourself and your Tower, now that you are Desire.
There are three possible final decisions to make. The first is whether you grant Lazren's wish for a portal to an idyllic new world for her to inhabit. However, building a portal isn't the same as stabilizing it: unless you have the energy to make the portal permanent, it will cut contact between you and Lazren for good. Lastly, there's the problem of Avery's outstanding debt (if you haven't paid him off)... and, if you agreed to work for him and betray Lazren, there's that little can of worms to open, too. It is time to pay the piper!
You have ultimate control over the Tower, more so than either Lazren or Avery, and you've got the opportunity to spend your energy, or horde it for yourself. Your final energy total will always be based on the costs of all the things you purchased in the game as well as your current energy per day numbers. Mammon will helpfully tally everything up for you, and now you get to decide how to spend it:
Build The Portal
Depending on who you've sided with (Lazren in most cases, but Avery if you agreed to betray her), you've got the opportunity to help them build a new, fresh world. The portal costs 7500 energy, and Lazren's portal costs a further 2500 if you want to keep it open and not lose contact. Paying the full 10,000 for Lazren's portal grants you the ability to visit the slothful demon in her world for a sex scene in the ending, and the Worth The Wait acheivement.
If you refuse to build Lazren's portal at all, then Lazren will be, shall we say, 'unhappy'. Lazren's influence will drive some of your employees away during the epilog. You'll also lose Munokho and Kagar, as well as a random selection of two other employees. Employees who have had their romance lines completed (whether paired up with another, or romance/friendshipped by the MC) are immune.
If you sided with Avery instead, you can build a portal for him. Building Avery's portal removes the Greed demon from looking over your shoulder and heavily implies Mammon will soon succeed him. You cannot keep contact with the greedy Sin, however, so his portal will always cost 7500.
Avery's Debt
There are a few ways Avery's debt can work out. If Avery tried to subvert you to his cause, and you refused his offer, then you must pay him back before doing anything else -- just as he promised when he stormed out of your room. If you did betray Lazren, it is most likely that your debt is already paid, as his garnishing of your energy earnings has almost certainly zeroed it out. If not, you'll need to pay it.
MCs who impressed Avery on the first visit (and thus never received his subversion visit) have the opportunity to impress the Sin again. Even though he cut your debt to 5,000, you have the option to impress him by paying back the full 10,000 anyway. Doing so will net you a sexual scene with the dashing demon during the ending (and the For Love of Money achievement). MCs who do not pay Avery at all will receive some grumbling in the ending, but no negative effects.
What Remains
Finally, several small aspects of the ending will change based on how much energy you did not spend in the ending. While these effects are purely aesthetic, the MC's relative place within the community will change based on how rich (or poor) you were during the finale.
The Epilogue
The final hurrah in the game is a party with all of your remaining employees (except those who were influenced by an angry Lazren). While there are many group scenes, there are also a few special scenes that can be triggered during this sequence. Since this is your 'happily ever after', there are no real mechanics or any significant choices in this section.
- MC + Romance Partner(s) – If the MC is romantically involved with one or more, they will wake up with their loving partners.
- Sinful Sex Scene - The MC might have a chance during their morning work to take a break and enjoy some quality time with the Sin they are loyal to. This requires building and stabilizing the portal (for Lazren), or betray Lazren and
- All Employee Pairings – If a pair of employees were romantically entangled, they'll have a special scene to discuss their future plans and thank the MC for their help.
- Mason and Kayo – If you choose to transform Sara by introducing her to a kitsune, you can witness Mason and Kayo patching up their disagreements.
- Michael – If the player chooses, they can track down Michael to bury the hatchet and imply better relations in the future.
- Cara and Chastity – Cara (the former Desire) and Chastity will always approach the MC to thank them.
Once you've concluded all of the available scenes, your character will excuse themselves to go look at the stars. Your love interest (or one of them, if there are several) will call them to a final picture, and we fade to credits.
Thank you for reading this guide to Paradise Inc. If you think there's anything we got wrong, or would like more information about, please feel free to reach out to us!
Happy Hunting,
Cambion and Luciana
Appendix: Transformable Characters
(& How to Transform Them)
Each transformable character has two possible transformations, each one taking a unique approach to solving that person's particular dilemma or desire. Transformations must be unlocked in most cases: you must interact with the character, talk to them, and learn more about what makes them tick. Most characters can be found in different locations at different times of the day, and talking to them in different venues will give you different insights into their issues.
Note: You can only talk to a character once per day, so when you speak to them in one location, they won't appear in their normal location later in the day. For efficiency, it's best to pursue them at the same location each time -- but if you like choice, you'll need to take the extra time to talk to them in both locales!
The above holds true for Samantha, Cassandra, Damien, Jolie, and Sara. The characters Mason, Petra, Xavier, and Selene have unique subplots tried to their transformations, with both options unlocked once the plot is resolved. Nadia, Michael, and Virginia also have subplot related to them, thanks to their status as roadblocks thrown at you by the Virtue of Chastity. When in doubt about what to do to solve a problem or transform someone, be sure to talk to your trusted staff, such as Mason and Samantha. Or, try sleeping on it. Sometimes it's best to wake up with a fresh set of ideas.
Once you've unlocked a transformation, go find Mason: your incubus engineer has the ability to create a focus which will empower the transformation. Creating a focus costs energy, and while you can create more than one focus for a character, you can only use one of them. Once the person is transformed, it's permanent!
Cassandra Woodrow
Cassandra is a quiet and introverted young woman with a love of table-top roleplay and skating. She can be found at either the Gym (afternoon) or in the Computer Café (evening). Talking to her will reveal her regret about the one that got away: a punk rock love interest who rebelled against the rules in a way Cassandra herself never could.
- Cass (Punk): Cass is foul-mouthed and aggressive, though a more dominant approach will cause her to fold easily. She can pair with the Siren Petra or the player as an exclusive romance (no harem)
- Cassy (Computer AI): You can indulge Cassandra's geeky side by digitalizing her and transforming her into a computer-based AI. This does lock her out of physical touch in all but her romantic route, but she still finds ways to enthrall. Cassy can pair with a Jolie (Masked) or the player as harem-friendly romance.
Damien Estevez
A gym rat who can't seem to reach his goals, Damien can be found in the Gym (morning) working out and in the Shakes 'n Sundaes (afternoon) refueling. He has a protective streak that doesn't always mesh with his less-than-traditionally-masculine physique.
- Damien (Bull): You can grant Damien's desire to bulk up and protect others by turning him into a muscular breeding bull with a southern twang. While he works well with both a dominant and submissive MC, submissives may enjoy his protective nature. Damien can pair with Xun (Xavier's dryad transformation) but cannot be romanced by the MC.
- Dana (Sissy): Damien will confess he always admired a genderfluid friend for being brave enough to express themselves openly. You can transform the young man into a happy sissy, though he retains his male gender identity. As with Sammy, he's a more of a friend to a submissive PC but happily serves more dominant characters. He can pair with Futanari Samantha or the player as an exclusive romance (but not harem).
Jolie Durand
Jolie is a French actress with enormous... assets. Her love of theater and acting is sometimes dampered by the fact that many people can't see past the size of her chest -- and assume that it's her looks, not her talent, that has led to what minor success she's had.
- Jolie (Masked/PornStar): Transform Jolie into the ultimate actress, with the ability to assume any persona anyone could ever want -- starting with the pornstar staples of 'pizza dlivery girl', 'dominatrix', and 'traditional housewife'. In her masked form, Jolie can romantically pair with Cassy (Computer AI), but cannot be romanced by the MC.
- JJ (Cowgirl/Hucow): If you can't beat them, join them! You can encourage Jolie to not be bothered by what others think of her, and to embrace her top-heavy gifts. As a simple-minded, milk-laden pet, JJ can pair with Sammy (Bimbo) or the MC in a harem-friendly romance.
An incubus of an unusual sort, Mason has four arms that work as quickly and as precisely as his impressive intellect. While he has little patience with small-talk (or with you), once you have proven yourself as less than a failure, he may grow to respect you... a bit. Be sure to talk to him in Chapter 1 and again in Chapter 2 to chip away at his protective wall. Mason was not always as cold and emotionless as he is now. When you discover the magical means he uses to enhance his control, you can encourage him to let his desires grow again.
- Dominant: Poke a beast enough, and it might just turn and bite you! Dominant Mason is a precise, controlling, and strict master who will not tolerate sharing you with anyone else -- unless it's by his command.
- Submissive: Dominant MCs can encourage Mason to put his trust in them, and guide him back into a world of feelings and desires. It is a full-time commitment, and an exclusive relationship if you wish to pry Mason out of his shell.
- Platonic/Friendzone: You can still help your favorite foreman find a balance between his heart and his head, without getting involved in a serious platonic relationship. If you do not accept his soulgem, you will still receive the quest rewards, and Mason can later develop a relationship with Samantha (Futanari) if she isn't paired with anyone else.
Michael Barnes
Michael is a man from your own past, though only tangentially. As part of Chastity's tests, he's a particularly rough one. Michael knows about the contract with Chastity, and he demands that you give him the ability to fulfill his sadistic fantasies to hurt other people. What can you do if granting a desire means proving Chastity right about how far you'll go to win?
- Werewolf: Perhaps it's easier to deal with an animal. While werewolf Michael is stronger, faster, and furrier, at least he doesn't have any magic powers! If you choose to give up the guarantee of safety, he may occasionally stalk you from the shadows, and end up proving might makes right when it comes to pure, raw sex.
- Mindflayer: Not all predators are muscle and sinew. Some hunt by stealth, cunning, and deception. Grant Michael the form of a tentacled mindflayer, and the ability to twist other's minds to his dark desires. If you tell the Tower not to protect you, you may find yourself just as vulnerable as the next person to his psychic manipulations.
Nadia Karas
A ravishing brunette who knows her way around a table, Nadia is a professional gambler -- or, perhaps, a woman with a gambling problem. As one of Chastity's challenges, you will be faced with how to deal with her addiction. Face off against her in a poker game with the ultimate stakes: the fate of her soul.
- Genie: Play your cards right, and Nadia becomes property of the house. Transformed into a blue-skinned genie, your wish -- and everyone else's -- is literally her command. Nadia becomes part of the 'complimentary services' in the VIP lounge of the Casino, where patrons can (and do) use her publically and repeatedly.
- Angel: If Nadia wins, she gets everything she could ever want -- literally. Transformed into an angel, she gains her own pocket dimension within Paradise where the laws of reality obey her whims. Even you aren't safe within this new realm, and might find yourself entertaining its ruler, whether you intend to or not.
Petra Torres
Petra is your security guard -- a human hired to deal with the intruder, Xavier. (Don't worry - the game explains why.) Petra is a flirtatious tomboy from a military family who takes her job seriously, even if she's not always serious while on the job. She also happens to like the occasional thrill. Once the intruder is dealt with, you will learn that not all is rosey in Petra's life, and her brothers cause her a lot of deep-seated frustration by still treating her as the 'little sister' instead of as a capable adult with her own life.
- Dark Elf: A rough and tumble drill sergeant dark elf, Petra will take charge of Inferno and make it her own on this path. She'll submit to a dominant PC, reluctantly, but definitely prefers time in the driver's seat. She's an option for an MC romance or harem, but can also pair with a vampiric Xavier.
- Siren: Your very own singing mermaid in Elysium, Petra is a carefree spirit with a... very compelling singing voice. She is an option for an MC romance or harem, or can pair with a punk Cass.
A shy and somewhat mousey redhead, Samantha is already in Lazren's employ. It's she who sets up your interview and is surprisingly happy to help you on your way to your new life. You soon discover why: her dream is to be transformed into the perfect partner for someone else -- someone like you!
- Futanari: As your confident futanari secretary, Samantha is a sassier option, but works well with both submissive and dominant MCs. Samantha can be paired with Dana (Damien's sissy transformation) or submissive Mason, in addition to being an MC romance option.
- Bimbo: Your airheaded office toy is more than happy to be used. Dominant MCs will find a natural use for her, while a more submissive boss will likely enjoy her more as a platonic friend. Sammy can be romantically paired with JJ (Jolie's hucow/cowgirl transformation), as well as being an MC romance option.
Sara Kincaid
Sara is a blackjack dealer in love with the glitz and glam. The first time you encounter her, she'll be dealing cards on shift. The second time you encounter her, she'll be at the Casino bar having just gotten off her shift. From then on, you have the choice of when to encounter her. Talk to her in the afternoon to catch her on duty, leading to the Magician option, or catch her in the evening at the bar to progress toward her Kitsune form. Neither are options for player romance or employee pairing.
- Kitsune: Sara has a trickster streak, often aimed at those who would do ill of others. Mason can help you introduce her to Kayo, a Japanese fox-spirit from the old country. As two spirits sharing one body, it's anyone's guess what they'll get up to next. In this form, Sara/Kayo can be found tending the bar in the Casino, and can pour you something special when you come by.
- Magician: Putting on a show is even better when you have real magical powers. Let Sara's star truly shine and leave a lasting impression on people by gifting her with arcane sorcery. She'll put on shows in the Casino regularly - and if you're there, you might just be asked to volunteer.
Selene Sampam
Selene is a futanari naga, and also your Vault. Her half-serpent species specializes in storing energy inside their bodies, which can physically change them in various ways. When 'expanding' your Vault, you can choose whether Selene enhances the size of her breasts, or the size of her (two) cocks. Later, in Chapter 2, you'll encounter Selene's subplot where you can do a more extensive transformation. This transformation doesn't result in a soulgem, but does provide a straight bonus to energy whenever you work. Note that neither of Selene's transformations are available to romance.
- Clone: Split Selene into (almost) identical twins, and get the best of both worlds. One twin inherits Selene's generous bust, while the other inherits the hidden hemipenes (the dual penises that serpents have).
- Giantess: The more, the merrier! Selene can grow to twice or more her normal size, resulting in quite a lot of woman. She will have to learn to adjust to taking up the entire room, but that's all part of the fun.
We did warn you about spoilers, right? Virginia isn't actually transformable -- although the game presents her as someone who can be. The reason for that? Well, it turns out she's not exactly who she says she is. This young nun is no other than Chastity herself, come to see her rival -- you! -- in person.
Xavier King
There's no such thing as 'bad press', they say, but Xavier might put that to the test. A journalist Hell-bent on getting an exposé on the new luxury tower in town, he is sniffing around where he shouldn't be -- and you need to stop him. If you succeed in doing so, you will learn the reason why he is willing to resort to such great lengths to get results: Xavier has a terminal illness, and is hoping to achieve one big story in the limited time he has left. Of course, you can present him with other options!
- Xavier (Vampire): Lead Xavier to embrace death - and undeath. By transforming him into a vampire, you save him from his mortality, and create your own personal creature of the night. As a Vampire, Xavier will live in the new nightclub, Inferno. Confident, suave, and a bit domineering, Xavier is at best a very dominant switch. His vampiric form is not an option for an MC romance, but can pair up with a dark elf Petra.
- Xun (Dryad): Nature finds a way! A gender-flipped option, you can turn Xavier into Xun: a female nature spirit that lives in the new Elysium park. Xun is a bit mystical, a bit cryptic, and very fond of shibari. She is an option for an MC romance or harem, but can also be paired with bull Damien.
Appendix: Non-Transformable Characters
This list only includes characters that have significant presence inside Paradise and which you have employee files on. NPCs exterior to Paradise (such as Petra's brother, Xavier's parents, or Selene's matron) are not included.
One of the Seven Noble Sins, Avery is the personification of Avarice, or Greed. As Lazren's business-minded brother, he loaned her a significant amount of energy to get her plans underway, and plans on collecting it all -- with interest. If you play your cards right, Avery may come to you with a business offer of his own... and, if you really impress him, you can potentially have a fling with this handsome older man in the Epilog.
The non-binary embodiment of Desire itself, Cara is a dangerous and unpredictable Sin -- at least, according to Lazren and Avery. It's going to be up to you to figure out how to deal with the out-of-control demon... or lose everything, and everyone, you hold dear.
Where there are demons, there are angels -- and where there are Noble Sins, there are Heavenly Virtues. Chastity is the dour and no-nonsense counterpart of Cara, and she has zero desire to help you in your quest. More than that, she has zero desire at all, which is going to make tempting her into being your ally... difficult.
Like her life-mate Munokho, Kagar hails from the ancient lineage of orcs. While she is more reserved and less talkative than her mate, she's no less fierce, and is more than capable of whipping an upstart demon like you into shape.
She's known by many names, but currently the Sin of Sloth favors 'Lazren' -- though the other Sins and Virtues will often use 'Acedia' instead. This purple-skinned succubus hired you to manage the tower she created... and maybe do a few other things, too. Friendly and personable, Lazren genuinely seems to have very good intentions (and you know what they say about good intentions). Don't mistake 'friendly' for 'sentimental', though: if you fail to meet her expectations, you will find yourself replaced. However, for those who excellent and survive, a different kind of paradise might await for you and the mentor you've grown to love.
Like you, Mammon was once human, and like you, she is now protogé to one of the Noble Sins. This sharp-minded demoness reports to Avery, and both helps you make the most out of your money-making ventures (the Bank and the Casino) as well as keeps an eye out for investment opportunities, should you have the capital to spare. Once in a while, you just might catch her in a mood to share some of the wisdom she's accumulated outside of ledgers and portfolios.
A large, green-skinned, and good-natured orc, Munokho is one of your two personal trainers. Together with his life-mate Kagar, he has been hired by Lazren to help you grow into your new abilities. Through blood, sweat, and tears, the pair will challenge you to surpass your humanity and evolve into something more.
Appendix: Special Abilities
Rather than list all of the special abilities here, we're going to direct you to your trainers, Munokho and Kagar, inside the game. When you click on a special ability to purchase it (or, think about purchasing it), it will tell you specifically what the special ability does. Additionally, once you purchase an ability, it displays the abilities you've purchased and their function at the top of the selection pyramid as well.
There's nothing particularly tricky about the special abilities, save that a lot of them reference things like "Management Modifier" or "Management Decay". These are referenced in our Sidebar: How Locations Work, and in the Glossary found in the in-game 'Help' screen.
Appendix: Achievements
Most of the achievements in Paradise Inc. are self-explanatory, and won't be listed here. ('How do I get the achievement for building the Gym?' is pretty obvious.) Hidden achievements are also not listed here!
Unlock each and every transformation. This achievement cannot be achieved in a single playthrough, since you can only choose one transformation per character in a single game. However, you could theoretically do it in two playthroughs by picking the exact opposite choices on your second time through. Note that friendzoning Mason does not count as a transformation: only his 'submissive' and 'Dominant' forms count.
Oneprints, Twoprints, Redprints, Blueprints
Construct every building. This only refers to actual constructable buildings, and excludes "freebie" locations like your Office, the Bedroom, and 'add-on' locations such as the VIP Lounge (free add-on to the Casino). When you transform Xavier, you get one building "included" in his focus cost (either Inferno or Elysium) -- this building, although you didn't technically construct it, still counts towards this achievement.
Infernal Architect
Get all building achievements, and raise each building to level 3. Pretty much what it says on the label. You must not only get all buildings, but make sure that 'Oneprints' is unlocked, and that you level up the buildings. Note that some buildings cannot be levelled up (like the Casino and the Second Floor) - those don't count towards this.
All About the D / S is the Best
Both of these achievements are rewarded for completing a playthrough (all the way up to the very final scene of the epilog) while keeping your necklace facing in one direction: either red (Dominant) or green (submissive). The game only starts tracking this after your initial demonic transformation in the tutorial. After that point, changing your necklace facing will break the achievement, and you'll be notified that it is broken. Note that there are a few rare circumstances in the game where sex happen in a certain way without you changing your necklace -- for example, if you excel on your performance review with Lazren, you can request to top her in bed, even if you keep your necklace green. These instances won't break the achievement.
Important! While you can skip the intro and still get these achievements, they will automatically break if you skip ahead to Chapter 2 or Chapter 3. No shortcuts allowed!
Bite The Hand That Feeds You
Choose to side with Avery when he approaches you with a secretive deal. This pathway only opens up if you don't get the Dress to Impress achievement (which is in turn required for For Love of Money), and also locks out the opportunity for Worth the Wait.
Boy Toy / Gal Pal / Package Smuggler
Complete an entire playthrough as a single gender: male, female, or futanari. The game only starts tracking this after your initial demonic transformation in the tutorial. After that point, changing your gender (which you can only do after unlocking the ability Chapter 2) will break this achievement, and you'll be notified that it's broken.
Important! While you can skip the intro and still get these achievements, they will automatically break if you skip ahead to Chapter 2 or Chapter 3. No shortcuts allowed!
Devil's Own Luck
You'll be granted this achievement if you catch the intruder the very first time you tell Petra to guard a location. There's no way to force this -- it's literally luck!
Dress to Impress
Surpass Avery's expectations by not only building the Casino, but getting more than six total soulgems by the end of Chapter 2. Doing this unlocks the possibility of getting For Love of Money, but locks out the pathway that leads to Bite The Hand That Feeds You.
Elementary, My Dear
Pay attention to the clues (or follow the walkthrough for Chapter 2's Selene subplot) and figure out who the culprit is without relying on Mason's help.
Employee Excellence
Surpass Lazren's expectations by transforming all three of the available human targets in Chapter 1 before she returns.
For Love of Money
Get nailed by Avery! This option is only available in the Epilogue, and only if you stayed loyal to Lazren and impressed Avery in Chapter 2(thus getting Dress to Impress) and then also choose to impress Avery a second time during the final choices.
Gender Bender
Have sex as each of the three available genders (male, female, and futanari) in a single play through. Your necklace facing (i.e. whether it's dominant sex or submissive sex) doesn't matter. Note that it's impossible to get Gender Bender in the same playthrough as Boy Toy, Gal Pal, or Package Smuggler.
Oh No! Anyways.
Get a 'bad end'. You can get a bad end in multiple ways throughout a game, including failing your first evaluation with Lazren, failing to prepare properly for Avery's arrival, failing to rescue Selene in time, or failing any of Chastity's challenges. Oh well. Try again. Note this achievement is incompatible with any achievement that requires completing an entire playthrough.
Worth The Wait
Live happily ever after with Lazren -- or, at least, visit her regularly in her newly created tropical island. This achievement requires staying loyal to Lazren (thus locking you out of Bite The Hand That Feeds You), and also requires that you not only build her portal at the end of the game, but stabilize it as well.
Obtain all non-hidden achievements. Obviously this is going to take multiple playthroughs, but as a perfectionist, you kind of expected that, didn't you?